Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Revelations Release Notes

Character Name Change Service:

Who here haven't had a second thought about their chosen characters names? Now the polished, strict looking guy who is famous for changing the way your face looks can change your character names too.

For 2 Growth Stones, now you can put that blurry night behind you when you made that character that you love so much today.

Squad search function is added.

- Room title is registered in the squad list while creating a squad (Alt+D). (But, not registered to list when hidden)
- Family that is not a member of a squad can enter without invitation by searching squads.
- Squad with hostile family cannot be searched, and Barons cannot create or enter a squad.
- When there are 12 members in a squad, the list automatically disappears from the squad list.
- The squad list is refreshed when a blank search is made.

Priority of buffs are added

- When corresponding buff is applied by raising the buff priorities of melee enhancement, magic enhancement and shooting enhancement, consolidation and prompt action buffs are ignored.
-When principal buff is given, it ignores acceleration, intensify and fortify buffs due to higher priority.