Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Revelations Release Notes

Red Sunset Forest Mission:

With a time limit of 1 hour, 5 to 30 members can participate in this mission. Once the mission starts, you will have to kill 12 semi-bosses to get to the main boss (The One Wolfriner). 

Your 12 hurdles are:

- Murder Vordoi
- Death Dominator
- Gaswalts
- Giant Old Brother and Giant Younger Brother (very original)
- Gimlet
- Red Sunset Kobold General
- Nature Dominator
- Red Sunset Tiger
- Stone Dominator
- Pain Dominator
- Ancient Fighter
- Carpenter Wasp

Be warned that each of them possesses unique abilities and you will need great team work, co-ordination and need to use your brain to kill them.

The final boss Wolfriner has to be killed within the 1 hour time limit to succeed. 

Killing each mini boss and the main boss will activate the Roulette Reward system which will give the players items such as...

- Lump of Platinum
- 4 types of Stones
- Enchantment Chips - 92 - Veteran
- 3 types of Rare Books
- Level 84 Elites
- Level 100 Items
- Level 92 Elite 
- Crafted Necklace
- Belt Recipe
- Top Grade Jewel
- Elite Jewel
- Shiny Crystal Box
- Dragon Heart Recipe
- Elite Le Blanc Recipe
- Elite Le Noir Recipe