Legion Wars

Legion Wars
Times changed and the hatred between the two factions evolved. The fire that burned within hearts of the opposing factions erupted into a raging inferno, fueled by the rumors of Valleria’s existence. From the inferno came forth 2 secret societies.

Dronarati and Sahasrha
Both the factions are actively recruiting loyal followers – preparing for an impending war for power – the likes of which we have never seen before!
The faction and secret society affiliations play a major part in the segregation of families. The families have to be in either of the faction of their respective affiliation to join the secret society. The secret society quest can be obtained from either Sir Lyndon (Dronarati – Royalist) or Simon Ayende (Sahasrha – Republican).

Neutralists – Mercenaries
You can however be a neutral and join the mercenaries if you do not have a faction or are already in a neutral faction.
The neutralist faction quest can be obtained from Mercenary Lieutenant in Pegadilla (now located near the Coimbra Main Gate.
These individual quests will only change your family affiliation.

Faction Affiliation:
The faction affiliation can be changed to either Dronarati or Sahasrha by the faction leader by completing the quest obtained from the respective Pioneering Officers in Reboldeaux and Auch.
Note that once your clan pledges to a secret society, there is no turning back. So choose wisely.
Once you join one of the secret societies, it will give you numerous benefits

- Faction levels can be increased above level 52 and receive additional buffs
- Can join Clock Tower raid without paying 1 Elemental Jewel
- Can join Terra de la sed and obtain buffs
- Can do daily quests given by Brown – located in the cities
- Receive rewards from the Royal Guard or Republican Clan Member

The neutral players associated with Pagadilla will receive rewards from Gerard Loren. You will have to however, participate in the Legion War and have a title in your profile. You can also enter Clock Tower Raid and Prison Raid without paying 1 Elemental Jewel for one week or capturing the event colony.

After joining a secret society, the families belonging to the opposing societies will be hostile towards each other in various maps.

Individual families can change their affiliation by doing the Betrayal quest. However, you will be kicked out of your clan if the clan is affiliated with the society that you are betraying.

Also, once you join a secret society, you can only change sides. You will not be able to remove the secret society association from your family status – meaning you cannot become a neutral family without a secret society affiliation.

The Betrayal quest can be obtained from the opposite society leader (Princess Gabriella or Simon Ayende) who will give you quests that will test your loyalty.

Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM PST, Sunday
Character per family: 1
Total number of Families in the war: 100 on each side
Mercenaries: Assigned to the weaker side

Starting Points:
Dronarati – City of Reboldeaux
Sahasrha – City of Auch

Coimbra will be accessible from both these starting points.

Once the Legion War begins, players will be placed in Squads of 12. The Squad Window can be accessed by pressing ALT + D. You can also change your existing squad by sending a request to the Squad leader from the same UI. However, the squad will change each time you change the map.

The fights will happen inside and outside the cities and there will be marked flags that needs to be captured. However, capturing these flags won’t be easy, as they will be guarded by NPCs and the opposing faction members.

Once you reach the vicinity of the enemy banner (flag), a timer starts. You need to survive until the countdown is over to capture the flag. These captured points will also become your spawn points – which is crucial to advance your army to the next nearest capture point.

Finally you will be facing the opposing groups leader (Princess Gabriella or Simon Ayende). They have strong attack and defense – defeating them is going to be a group effort.

You can also hire powerful NPCs (6 on each side) that are pre assigned to each side through “Barracks” in Coimbra. These NPCs will spawn in the farthest spawn point available on your side and will aid you in your battles.

You can also take the aid of “pots” that will provide you with useful buffs or break the crates to loot items that can assist you in the war. But beware that the pots can be poisoned by the enemies (you can poison your enemies pots as well) and these will debuff you.

If all these weren’t enough, Summon a Treasure Golem (Dronarati) or Iron Ararat (Sahasrha) who will aid you and are might tough to kill.

If you do not want to take part in the war, but still want to help your team, you can venture into Culverts from the towns (warp gates will be activated once you enter the war).

Here you will be able to mine ores and other materials that will be useful in the war.

Victory is attained if -

The opposing group’s leader is killed
Your side has more points than the other side by the end of the war

Points can be acquired in multiple ways:

Capturing flagsKilling your enemiesSupplying itemsPoisoning the opposite team’s potsResurrecting dead players and NPCs

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